Friday, 31 December 2021

New Year’s Eve update on avalanche situation: gradually diminishing avalanche danger

Warm front led to increased avalanches

Short analysis of warm front

The warm front forecast by the ZAMG Weather Service for 29.12-30.12 brought widespread 15mm to 50mm of precipitation to North Tirol and northern East Tirol. The focal point of precipitation lay in western and northwestern regions. Initially the snowfall continued for longer than expected, then the snowfall level swiftly ascended. Generally there was rainfall up to 2300-2500 m. For a short time the upper limit was even higher, e.g in the Arlberg region where it rained as far up as 2800 m.

Niederschlagsverteilung in Tirol vom 29.12. auf den 30.12. Weniger Niederschlag als ursprünglich erwartet fiel v.a. im zentralen Teil Nordtirols sowie im nördlichen Osttirol.
Distribution of precipitation in Tirol on 29-30.12.2021 - less precipitation than expected in the central part of North Tirol and in northern East Tirol.

The warm front was accompanied by storm-strength winds in the mountains. It is much too warm for this juncture of the season.

Station Erfurter Hütte im Rofan. Die Schneehöhe nahm aufgrund des Regeneinflusses vom 29.12. auf den 30.12. etwas ab. Der Wind war stürmisch. Nun ist es für die Jahreszeit extrem mild. Die Luft ist recht trocken. Die nasse Schneeoberfläche konnte während einer klaren Nacht etwas abkühlen.
Measurement station Erfurter Hütte in the Rofan Massif. Snow depths diminished due to rain impact on 29-30.12, winds were stormy. It is too mild for this juncture of the season. Air masses are quite dry. The wet snowpack surface was able to cool during a night of clear skies.

As a result of the warm front, heavy fog formed at ground level on 30-31.12.

Nebel über dem Inntal von der Nordkette aus gesehen.
Fogbanks over Inn Valley, viewed from the Northern Massif.

High avalanche activity for a short period

The greatest amount of avalanche activity took the form of wet, small-to-medium loose snow avalanches. Subsequently, glide-snow avalanches followed. Then, particularly at high altitudes, slab avalanches. The last category was also triggered by explosives. Good success with artificial triggerings, large-sized avalanches were unleashed in ski areas in western regions.

Die Pfeile zeigen auf Lockerschneelawinen aus extrem steilem Gelände, die während des Regens von selbst abgegangen sind. Kalkkögel. Nördliche Stubaier Alpen (Foto: 30.12.2021)
Arrows point to loose snow avalanches in extremely steep terrain which triggered naturally during the period of rainfall. Kalkkögel. Northern Stubai Alps (photo: 30.12.2021)

Völlig ausgeräumt - die Pimigspitze im Außerfern. Lockerschnee- und Gleitschneerutsche bzw. -lawinen. (Foto: 30.12.2021)
Utterly windblown: Pimigspitze in the Ausserfern. Loose-snow and glide-snow slides and avalanches. (photo: 30.12.2021)

Schneebrettlawinen mittlerer Größe aufgrund von Lawinensprengungen in der Wilden Grube im Gletscherskigebiet Stubaier Gletscher (Foto: 30.12.2021)
Medium-sized slab avalanches from artificial triggerings, Wilde Grube, glacier ski area of Stubai Glacier (photo: 30.12.2021)

Lockerschnee- und Gleitschneelawinen unterhalb der Dawinspitze in den Östl. Lechtaler Alpen (Foto: 31.12.2021)
Loose-snow and glide-snow avalanches below Dawinspitze in eastern Lechtal Alps (photo: 31.12.2021)

Eingekreist ist eine große spontane Schneebrettlawine, die auf einer am Gletschereis befindlichen Schwachschicht abgegangen ist. Weißkugel.
Encircled is a large naturally triggered slab avalanche which released from a weak layer on glacial ice. Weisskugel.

Springtime conditions with poor snow quality

Conditions remind us of spring: a wet snowpack at low and intermediate altitudes, at high altitudes the snowpack has a melt-freeze crust due to nocturnal outgoing (longwave) radiation on 30-31.12. Snow quality is poor. In fact, skiing is currently best on the public ski slopes or in much used outying terrain.

Regenrinnen an der Schneeoberfläche. Obergurgl (Foto: 30.12.2021)
Rain grooves in the snowpack surface. Obergurgl (photo: 30.12.2021)

"Gatsch" / Schneematsch auf 1600m (Foto: 30.12.2021)
“Gatsch” (local argo for slush) at 1600 m (photo: 30.12.2021)

The difference from spring lies in the not-intensive solar radiation. In addition, the quite dry air masses impede daily moistening of the snowpack. For that reason, as well as due to the high avalanche activity, we expect only isolated moist slides, most likely as glide snow, on very steep sunny slopes.

Further developments

Currently it appears that avalanche danger will recede further, while snow quality will remain poor. Avalanche prone locations where slab avalanches can be triggered occur mostly above 2300 m, frequently on very steep shady slopes in in ridgeine terrain at high altitudes. What can be triggered: the recently generated snowdrifts. In very isolated cases, triggerings of slab avalanches are possible down to deeper layers by large additional loading also in extremely steep terrain where snow is shallow, above 2300 m, particularly in NW-N-NE aspects. Conditions in the furthermost eastern regions and in southern East Tirol are more favourable. 

It will remain warm to begin with. At the beginning of the new year it will become wetter. As of Wednesday, snowfall is again expected down to low lying areas.

We wish all of you a smooth slide into the New Year and a happy-and-healthy year in 2022!