Thursday, 8 December 2022

Weak snowpack, some releases. Start of daily EUREGIO Avalanche Bulletins on 9 December 2022.

Caution: considerable avalanche danger regionally above about 2200m

In regions where snowfall has been heaviest, which includes in particular the regions along the Main Alpine Ridge, the avalanche situation is already quite unfavourable. Danger is considerable above 2200m there. This peril is corroborated not only by stability tests, but also by several avalanches which involved people. All the releases thus far have been without consequences. The avalanche risks stem from a persistent weak layer with at least one pronounced weak layer of loose, frequently faceted crystals. The weak layer(s) are found particularly on shady slopes. With increasing altitude they occur in all aspects.

Schneeprofil in der Verwallgruppe vom 07.12.2022 auf ca. 2311m, NW, 38°. Abfolge von weichen und harten Schichten. Stabilitätstests produzieren häufig glatte Brüche bei geringer Belastung.
Snow profile in the Verwall Massif from 07.12.2022 at about 2300m, NW, 38°. Sequence of soft and hard layers. Stability tests frequently generated clean fractures from very little loading.

Während der vergangenen Woche wurden auch spontane Schneebrettlawinen beobachtet. Am vergleichsweise größten waren diese in der Gurgler Gruppe. Diese Lawine löste sich aufgrund der zunehmenden Belastung durch verfrachteten Schnee. (Foto: 06.12.2022)
During this last week, naturally triggered slab avalanches were also observed. They were largest in the Gurgl Massif where precipitation was heaviest. The above avalanche was triggered from the increased load of transported snow. (photo: 06.12.2022)

Spontane Lawinen mit geringer Anrissmächtigkeit in den Lienzer Dolomiten. Im Kammbereich erkennt man Schneefahnen. (Foto: 06.12.2022)
Naturally triggered avalanches with shallow fractures in the Lienz Dolomites.
Snow plumes are visible near the crests. (photo: 06.12.2022)

Einer von mehreren Lawinenabgängen im freien Gelände im Nahbereich des Skigebietes Stubaier Gletscher. Am Foto erkennt man eine von der Lawine mitgerissene Person, die ihren Airbag ausgelöst hatte. (Foto. 23.11.2022)
One of several releases in open terrain near the Stubai Glacier ski area. Visible in the photo is a person swept along by the avalanche, whose airbag inflated. (photo. 23.11.2022)

Lawinenauslösung durch zwei Skifahrer im Bereich der Fernau Bergstation am Stubaier Gletscher aus. (Foto: 06.12.2022)
Avalanche triggered by two skiers near Fernau mountain terminal on Stubai Glacier (photo: 06.12.2022)

Lawinenauslösung Hochtennboden im Nahbereich des Skigebietes Axamer Lizum am 06.12.2022
Avalanche on Hochtennboden near Axamer Lizum ski area on 06.12.2022

Im Außerfern konnten aufgrund der Durchfeuchtung der Schneedecke bis etwa 2000m hinauf zahlreiche Gleitschneerutsche beobachtet werden. (Foto: 27.11.2022)
In Ausserfern, numerous glide-snow slides were observed, caused by thoroughly wet snowpack up to about 2000m. (photo: 27.11.2022) 

Brief review of weather conditions

The major cause of the recent avalanches was not massive amounts of fresh snow, but rather heavy wind impact from varying directions. Deep snowdrift masses got generated, prerequisite for slab avalanches.

Am meisten Niederschlag ist im Bereich des Timmelsjochs gefallen.
Most of the precipitation was registered near the Timmelsjoch.

Oberhalb von Nebeldecken bzw. während klarer Nächte bildete sich vielerorts Oberflächenreif
Above the fog (as well as during nights of clear skies), surface hoar formed in many places.

Equally dangerous,  needful of caution: injuries from rocks; and in high alpine regions, risks of crevices

Daily EUREGIO Avalanche Bulletins start on 9.12.2022 

This Friday, 9 December, our first EUREGIO Avalanche Bulletin of the season will be published at 5:00 pm. As of then, the report will appear each day to provide the latest information for making decisions about tours in wintery outlying terrain.