Friday, 27 January 2023

An avalanche accident fatality in southern East Tirol. Mostly moderate danger above 2200m.

 First avalanche fatality of this winter season

The course of the accident

Yesterday, 25.01.2023 a person lost his life in an avalanche beneath the Widerschwing on the Carnic Ridge. Four persons were involved in the avalanche, a group of 3 friends and a single person who followed the trio of friends through part of an ascending track. A few seconds before the avalanche triggered the trio heard a settling noise. The avalanche caught one of the trio and the single person in its path. Both persons were totally buried in snow masses. To the orographic right, a secondary avalanche triggered, thereby increasing the depths under which the two victims were buried. Through swift rescue assistance the person belonging to the trio was dug out of his 2.4-metre deep burial spot. The single person had no emergency equipment, and was not found until a probe located him at a depth of about 2 metres about 4 hours after the avalanche. Reanimation was undertaken. He was transported to the Innsbruck Clinic where he died the same day.

Übersichtsbild der Lawinen unterhalb des Widerschwings. Die Rettungskräfte sind noch beim Sondieren. Im Bereich des Kreises wurden schlussendlich beide Personen gefunden. Der rote Pfeil symbolisiert die Aufstiegsspur der Einzelperson, der blaue Pfeil jene der 3-er Gruppe. Oberhalb des blauen Pfeils erkennt man zwei Spuren. Das sind Ausfahrtsspuren zweier Personen der 3-er Gruppe. Die Hauptlawine war jene rechts im Bild, die Sekundärlawine löste sich links davon. Die Hauptlawine ist ca. 30m breit und 250m lang. Die Sekundärlawine misst bis zur Hauptlawine eine Länge von 75m.(Foto: 25.01.2023)
Overview of the avalanches below the Widerschwing. Rescue team is still engaged in probing. Inside the circle, both persons were ultimately found. The red arrow indicates the ascent track of the single person, the blue arrow, that of the trio. The main avalanche is right in the photo, the secondary release was left of it. The main avalanche is about 30 metres wide and 250 metres long. The secondary release measures a length of 75 metres to the main release. (photo: 25.01.2023)

Rechts neben dem Alpinpolizisten erkennt man die zwei Verschüttungsstellen im unmittelbaren Nahbereich. (Foto: 26.01.2023)
To the right of the Alpine police, the two points of snow burial are visible, very close to each other. (photo: 26.01.2023) 

Investigations by the Alpine Police and Avalanche Warning Service were carried out with the help of a state helicopter. (photo: 26.01.2023)

Short accident analysis

Together with the Alpine Police we undertook the investigation today. The weak layer significant to the release consisted of faceted crystals which were embedded between two melt-freeze crusts that formed during the Christmas rainfall. This crust sandwich occurs only in a narrow band of altitude at 2200-2400m and demands attentiveness mainly on shady slopes. The previous periods of snowfall amounting to about 50cm were enhancing factors. Equally so was the heavy impact of the NE wind. Snowfall plus wind generated a slab atop the weak layer, which favoured the elongation of the fracture inside the weak layer.

Stabilitätsuntersuchungen am Lawinenanriss. Das Gelände ist dort bis zu 45° steil. (Foto: 26.01.2023)
Stability tests at the avalanche fracture. The terrain is 45° steep at that point. (photo: 26.01.2023)

Eines, der bei der Unfalllawine aufgenommenen Schneeprofile. Die Schwachschicht befindet sich zwischen zwei Schmelzkrusten. Das Profil wurde orographisch links der Sekundärlawine auf 2350m aufgenommen. Die Steilheit betrug dort 33°, der Hang ist Richtung Westen ausgerichtet. (Profil vom 26.01.2023)
One profile taken at the avalanche spot. The weak layer occurs between two melt-freeze crusts. The profile was taken orographically to the left of the secondary avalanche at 2350m. The steepness gradient was 33° there, the slope was west-facing.  Additional profiles can be found at (profile from 26.01.2023)

In most parts of Tirol: moderate avalanche danger

Following an extended period of considerable avalanche danger, moderate danger currently prevails above 2200m in most parts of Tirol, below that altitude danger is low. The avalanche problems underlying the danger abide: a snowdrift problem and a persistent weak layer. The snowdrift problem requires attentiveness particularly in steep, shady ridgeline terrain.

Kammnahes, kleines Schneebrett in den Nördlichen Zillertaler Alpen (Foto: 22.01.2023)
Small slab near a ridgeline in northern Zillertal Alps (photo: 22.01.2023)

The persistent weak layer is distributed in diffuse ways. Avalanche prone locations are currently not very widespread. In steep terrain which until now is little tracked, a narrow band of altitude at 2200-2400m on shady slopes often evidences this problem. On west-facing and east-facing slopes we find problematic zones mostly above 2500m; even above 2300m particularly on west-facing slopes near ridgelines which are wind-loaded. Steep south-facing slopes have the problem above 2800m.

Schneeprofil West, 2340m, 26° in der Glockturmgruppe. Es gibt mehrere potentielle Schwachschichten. Häufig fehlt aktuell ein ausgeprägtes Brett darüber. (Profil vom 26.01.2023)
Snow profile, west, 2340m, 26° in the Glockturm Massif. There are numerous potential weak layers. Frequently there is no pronounced slab on top of it.  (profile from 26.01.2023) 

Schneebrettlawine in einem Südhang auf ca. 2900m im Bereich der Schöntalspitze im Sellrain. Die Lawine löste sich am 25.01., als sich eine Person im Aufstieg befand. (Foto: 26.01.2023)
Slab avalanche on a south-facng slope at about 2900m near Schöntalspitze in Sellrain. The avalanche triggered on 25 January when a person was ascending. (photo: 26.01.2023) 

Powder snow and still too little snow for this juncture of the season

The last two rounds of precipitation brought us some snow, but for this point in the season there is still too little snow on the ground.

Zwischen dem 19. und 22.01. schneite es v.a. im Norden des Landes
Snowfall on 19-21 January, particularly in the northern regions

Zwischen dem 21. und 24.01. war hingegen der Süden vom Neuschnee begünstigt.
From 21-24 January, southern regions received snowfall.

In Mulden und mit etwas Glück gelingt eine Abfahrt ohne Steinkontakt. Bezeichnend für viele Bereiche Tirols (Foto: 26.01.2023)
In bowls and with a little luck, a descent without hitting rocks is possible. Above view is typical of many regions in Tirol. (photo: 26.01.2023)

Die vergangene Woche war doch auch mancherorts von gutem Pulverschnee und wenig Steinkontakt geprägt. Östliche Tuxer Alpen (Foto: 22.01.2023)
Last week enjoyed good powder and less rock contact in some regions. Eastern Tux Alps. 
(photo: 22.01.2023)

Am winterlichsten schaut es derzeit im südlichen Osttirol aus. (Foto: 24.01.2023)
Where are conditions most wintery? Currently in southern East Tirol. (photo: 24.01.2023)

Super-light, fluffy snow and surface hoar

Due to the low temperatures and the NE air current, the snow fell as super-light, fluffy so-called “wild” snow wherever there was no wind. In extremely steep, sunny terrain, a sequence of loose-snow avalanches triggered in its wake. In the interim, wide expanses of surface hoar have formed in a certain band of altitude, particularly pronounced near the ceiling of high fogbanks.

Oberflächenreif in den Östlichen Tuxer Alpen (Foto: 24.01.2023)
Surface hoar in the eastern Tux Alps (photo: 24.01.2023)

Während der vergangenen Woche hatten wir zum Teil perfekte Voraussetzungen für einen als "radiation recrystallisation" bekannten Prozess. Bei sehr kalten Temperaturen, sehr trockener Luft und bereits intensiver Sonneneinstrahlung bleibt Wildschnee an der Oberfläche noch trocken und fluffig, während die Schneedecke wenige cm darunter feucht wird. Durch die Ausstrahlung während der Nacht bildet sich dort eine dünne Schmelzkruste. Unter ungünstigen Voraussetzungen können sich nachfolgend im Bereich der Schmelzkruste Schwachschichten ausbilden. (Foto: 25.01.2023)
During this last week we often had perfect pre-requisites for the process of radiation recrystallisation. Amid very cold temperatures, very dry air and intensive solar radiation, the light-fluffy snow stays that way on the snowpack surface, while the snowpack beneath it becomes moist. Due to nocturnal outgoing radiation, a thin melt-freeze crust forms. If conditions are unfavourable, weak layers can be generated near the melt-freeze crusts. (photo: 25.01.2023)

Nebel über dem Inntal. Nebel fördert während klarer Nächte die Bildung von Oberflächenreif (Foto: 26.01.2023)
Fog over Inn Valley. This helps to form surface hoar during nights with clear skies. (photo: 26.01.2023)

The really tenacious fog in the northern regions (often extending up to 2000 m) is a major determinant of current weather. It’s cold, winds are frequently strong. Starting on Monday, 30 January, the weather will undergo a radical change. A W/NW air current will bring us wintery and stormy conditions.

Ab kommender Woche wird die Lawinengefahr rasch ansteigen. Lawinenunfälle werden dadurch wahrscheinlicher. Hier im Bild ein Lawinenabgang unterhalb des Padauner Bergs in den Nördlichen Zillertaler Alpen in einem Schattenhang im Waldgrenzbereich vom 22.01.2023 (Foto: 24.01.2023)
Starting next week, avalanche danger levels will rise rapidly. Avalanche accidents will become more likely. Visible in above photo: an avalanche below Padauner Mountain in the northern Zillertal Alps on a shady slope near the timberline on 22 January. (photo: 24.01.2023) 

Sunday, 22 January 2023

What’s safe + what’s dangerous: often right next to each other. Most fresh snowdrifts are prone to triggering.

Cold, loose powder constitutes an explosively reactive weak layer

To round out the last blog we want to call your attention to the fact that freshly generated snowdrift accumulations are, as a rule, prone to triggering. This is because of the weak layer consisting of loose, cold powder snow. In wind-protected terrain this is amazingly light, fluffy snow. It bonds extremely poorly with the snowdrifts deposited on top of it. For a brief spell, i.e. several days, the cold, loose powder snow is highly reactive, i.e. threateningly malicious, much like surface hoar which is blanketed by fresher snow. For that reason, one often sees glide cracks when one treads the snowdrifts, or hears settling noises. In isolated cases, even remote triggerings are possible. In addition, naturally triggered avalanches have been reported. This is generally a case of a small-sized slab, but near ridgeline terrain sometimes medium-sized releases.

Extremely varied zones: safe + unsafe lie cheek-by-jowl

The snowpack is highly varied throughout the land. This applies both to the snowpack surface; to the snowpack layering; and to the distribution. It is the consequence of extremely diverse weather conditions this winter. Currently it is also a function of the highly fluctuating degree to which snow depths have grown and to wind impact.

72h-Differenz der Schneehöhe
72-hr difference in snow depths

Windverteilung vom 22.01.2023 05:00 Uhr
Wind distribution on 22.01.2023, 5:00 am

Eine der neuschneereichen Wetterstationsstandorte. Puitegg/Gehrenspitze in den Mieminger Bergen. Der Schneestandort Puitegg scheint windberuhigt gewesen zu sein. Am Windstandort Gehrenspitze wehte hingegen kräftiger Nordostwind.
One of the measurement stations where snowfall was heaviest, Puitegg/Gehrenspitze in the Mieming Massif. The spot where the station is located seems to have been wind-protected. Whereas at the wind-measurement device on Gehrenspitze, strong velocity NE winds were blowing.

Teilweise griff der Wind auch bis in die Täler durch, wie hier in Virgen in Osttirol
In some places, like here in Virgen in Osttirol, winds extended down to the valley floor.

Auch interessant: Ca. 15mm Niederschlag während der vergangenen zwei Tage ergaben aufgrund der kalten Temperaturen knapp 50cm fluffigen Neuschnee. Station Wilde Krimml in der Region Westliche Kitzbüheler Alpen
 Fascinating: the 15mm of precipitation during the last two days resulted in less than 50cm of fluffy fresh snow due to the low temperatures. Station Wilde Krimml in the western Kitzbühel Alps

Freshly generated snowdrifts in steep terrain: AVOID THEM!

Hone your skills, sharpen your ability to recognize freshly generated snowdrifts on-site, and rigourously circumvent them in steep terrain. To an increasing degree, these avalanche prone locations are above the forested zones; however as we just pointed out, in some places the wind extended down to low lying areas. Danger zones can also lie in steep forest clearances at far lower altitude, for example.

Windeinfluss im Waldgrenzbereich. Hahnenkamm bei Reutte (Foto: 21.01.2023)
Wind impact at the edge of a forest. Hahnenkamm near Reutte (photo: 21.01.2023)

Hohe Störanfälligkeit der Schneedecke, dort wo kalter lockerer Pulverschnee von Triebschnee überlagert wurde. Bergeralm - Zentrale Stubaier Alpen (Foto: 21.01.2023)
High proneness to triggering wherever cold, loose powder snow has been covered by snowdrifts.
Bergeralm, central Stubai Alps (photo: 21.01.2023)

Windeinfluss auch in tiefen Lagen, wie hier im Gemeindegebiet von Matrei i.Osttirol (Foto: 21.01.2023)
Wind influence even in low lying areas like here inside town limits of Matrei in Osttirol (photo: 21.01.2023)

Persistent weak layer persists

To round out the last Blog: the snowdrift masses which accumulated due to heavy wind can constitute a slab in zones where the snowpack previously was loose / low in tension. Increasingly this was in shady terrain starting at about 2000-2200m. Also in sunny terrain, whenever a new slab forms, the likelihood of faceted layers bordering crusts triggering is heightened. This occurs particularly at altitudes starting at 2300-2500m.

Yes, superb powder descents are also possible!

Safe and Unsafe often lie right next to each other. What matters here is experience in assessing avalanche dangers on-site. That’s how to distinguish safe from unsafe zones. Then, fabulous powder descents are on the agenda.

Unterwegs in den Westlichen Kitzbüheler Alpen (Foto: 21.01.2023)
Swishing in the western Kitzbühel Alps (photo: 21.01.2023)

Friday, 20 January 2023

Fresh snowdrifts easily triggered by winter sports enthusiasts. Persistent weak layer in places starting at 2200m.

 Main problem: fresh snowdrifts

Finally we have reached temperatures which are appropriate to the season. Currently we lie at the long-term mid-level of air temperature measurements for this juncture. Thus, the fresh fallen snow of recent days is frequently loose wherever there was no wind. And where wind was blowing, the fresh snow was swiftly transported. Freshly generated snowdrift accumulations are frequent, lying atop cold, loose fresh snow, a quite malicious (prone to triggering) weak layer which has existed in that state for only a few days. For that reason, winter sports enthusiasts can easily trigger avalanches; these are generally small but with ascending altitude increasingly medium-sized. Caution is urged most of all near ridgelines, behind abrupt discontinuities in the terrain and in steep gullies and bowls. Where winds are strong, even naturally triggered avalanches are conceivable. Currently, this applies to the eastern regions in particular.

Speziell entlang des Alpenhauptkammes und in den typischen Föhnschneisen konnte man v.a. Anfang der Woche beeindruckende Schneefahnen beobachten. Stubaier Gletscher (Foto: 16.01.2023)
Breathtaking snow plumes could be observed especially along the Main Alpine Ridge and in the typical foehn lanes at the beginning of the week. Stubai Glacier (photo: 16.01.2023)

Speziell entlang des Alpenhauptkammes und in den typischen Föhnschneisen konnte man v.a. Anfang der Woche beeindruckende Schneefahnen beobachten. Stubaier Gletscher (Foto: 16.01.2023)
Winds in the foehn lanes were conspicuous also below the treeline. Western Tux Alps (photo: 16.01.2023) 

Frischer, störanfälliger Triebschnee in den Kalkkögeln (Foto: 16.01.2023)
Fresh, trigger-sensitive snowdrifts in the Kalkkögeln (photo: 16.01.2023)

Risse in der Schneedecke können auf ein mögliches Triebschneeproblem hinweisen. Geigenkamm. (Foto: 16.01.2023)
Glide cracks in the snowpack can signal a potential snowdrift problem. Geigenkamm ( photo: 16.01.2023)

Ab Sonntag, den 15.01., ist es zunehmend kälter geworden. Der Wind wehte aus unterschiedlichen Richtungen und war dabei meist stark.
Starting on Sunday, 15 January, it turned colder. Winds from varying directions were blowing, predominantly at strong velocity.

Avalanches last week

On 12.01.2023, remote triggerings (one small and one medium-sized slab avalanche) were reported in the Samnaun Massif in the west. On the weekend (14-15 January) additional avalanches released which were provoked by a persistent weak layer. This occurred at altitudes above about 2200m in all aspects (for details see In the last few days it was the freshly generated snowdrifts which got triggered by winter sports enthusiasts. In isolated cases there were glide-snow slides on grass-covered slopes, particularly during and after the rain impact of 14 and 15 January.

Fernauslösung in der Samnaungruppe. 2750m, W (Foto: 12.01.2023)
Remote triggering in Samnaun Massif, 2750m, W (photo: 12.01.2023)

Eine Schneebrettlawine, die sich im kammnahen Gelände löste, als Skifahrer in den Hang einfuhren. Greitspitze, Samnaungruppe im Grenzgebiet Tirol/Schweiz. 2700m. SO (Foto: 14.01.2023)
A slab avalanche that triggered near the ridgeline when skiers entered the slope. Greitspitze, Samnaun Massif along the Tirolean/Swiss border. 2700m, SE. Persistent weak layer (photo: 14.01.2023)

Schneebrettlawine im Rettenbachtal aufgrund eines Altschneeproblems. SO. 2200m (Foto: 14.01.2023)
Slab avalanche in Rettenbachtal due to persistent weak layer. SE. 2200m (photo: 14.01.2023)

Schneebrett im kammnahen Gelände nach Einfahrt von Skifahrern in den extrem steilen O-Hang auf 2800m. Altschneeproblem (Foto: 14.01.2023)
Slab avalanche near ridgeline when skiers entered the extremely steep east-facing slope at 2800m.
Persistent weak layer (photo: 14.01.2023)

Gleitschneerutsche im Außerfern (Foto: 14.01.2023)
Glide-snow slides in Ausserfern (photo: 14.01.2023)

The snowpack

There wasn’t really much fresh snow that fell this week. Mostly it amounted to 10-20 cm, more from place to place in the eastern regions. Frequently there was graupel embedded in the fresh snow. Along with the near-surface problem zones already mentioned (loose fresh snow as weak layer for the fresh snowdrifts deposited on top of it), there are also additional potential weak layers deeper down in the old snowpack. Generally these are faceted crystals near thin crusts or depth hoar/faceted crystals at ground level. In stability tests, partial fractures occurred in most results. Sometimes the entire snow cover was structured loosely; or else there was a slab. Nonetheless, there still exist zones which are prone to triggering, increasingly in terrain which has not yet been tracked. These are mostly shady slopes above 2200m and sunny slopes above 2500m. Transitions from shallow to deep snow are considered zones where there is heightened likelihood of triggering. The steeper the slope, the higher the chances a slab avalanche will trigger in the old snow.

Ein oftmaliger Begleiter der vergangenen Schneefälle: Graupel. Venedigergruppe (Foto: 18.01.2023)
A frequent guest during recent rounds of snowfall: graupel. Venediger Massif (photo: 18.01.2023)

Schneeprofil in der Glockturmgruppe: N, 2480m, 26° vom 19.01.2023. Recht typisch: Schwache Basis, dennoch unvollständiger Bruch.
Snow profile in Glockturm Massif: N, 2480m, 26° from 19.01.2023.
Quite typical: weak base, but still only partial fracture.

48h-Schneedifferenz vom 17.01.2023
48-hr snow depth difference from 17.01.2023

48h-Schneedifferenz vom 19.01.2023
48-hr snow depth difference from 19.01.2023

Sehr speziell während dieses Winters: Häufig Regen bis in höhere Lagen. Hier am Beispiel der Arlbergregion.
Quite unusual this winter: frequent rainfall up to high altitudes, e.g. here in the Arlberg region.

Weiterhin messen wir bei allen Beobachterstationen eine unterdurchschnittliche Schneehöhe (obere Grafik). Mittlere Grafik: Gemessener Neuschnee. Die unterste Grafik zeigt die heurigen Temperatursprünge sowie die Abweichungen vom Mittel.
We continue to see below-average snow depths at all measurement stations (upper graph). Middle graph: measured fresh snow. Lower graph: this years’s temperature fluctuations and difference from medium values.

Weiterhin erhöhte Spaltensturzgefahr auf den Gletschern. Venedigergruppe (Foto: 12.01.2023)
Heightened risk of falling into a crevice continues on the glaciers. Venediger Massif (photo: 12.01.2023)


According to Geosphere Austria (formerly ZAMG), cloudy, windy, cold days lie ahead of us. The predominant snowdrift problem will persist. Caution: loose powder snow which has been blanketed by freshly generated snowdrift accumulations is still especially prone to triggering. For that reason, rigourously circumvent fresh snowdrift accumulations in steep terrain.

Grober Wettereindruck für die kommenden Tage... Westliches Karwendel (Foto: 19.01.2023)
Rough-hewn picture of coming weather conditions...  Western Karwendel (photo: 19.01.2023)

Thursday, 12 January 2023

Sequence of warm-cold fronts. Very windy. Ongoing: persistent weak layer and snowdrift problem.

 Highly variable conditions

The best way to describe the current weather, snow and avalanche situation is with the phrase “highly variable.” Last week was marked by a sequence of warm and cold fronts, repeated snowfall, most of it in the western regions and in northern East Tirol, maximum 50-75 cm, but generally 30-50 cm. Strong to storm-strength winds were always blowing, initially from the south, then from the west.

The strong-velocity winds transported masses of snow at high altitudes, and that is precisely how the terrain now looks: windblown zones alternate with wind-loaded zones (gullies and bowls). The overall impression that there is simply too little snow for this juncture of the season is not illusory.

Highly variable: the snowpack

Eindruck aus dem Außerfern (Foto: 12.01.2023)
Heavily wind-impacted snow cover in the eastern Lechtal Alps (photo: 12.01.2023)

Ähnliches Bild von den Nördlichen Zillertaler Alpen (Foto: 11.01.2023)
Similar shot in the northern Zillertal Alps (photo: 11.01.2023)

Sturm oberhalb der Waldgrenze. Venedigergruppe (Foto: 10.01.2023)
Storm above the timberline. Venediger Massif (photo: 10.01.2023)

In den Kitzbüheler Alpen (Foto: 11.01.2023)
In the Kitzbüheler Alps (photo: 11.01.2023)

Wechtenbildung im Kammbereich. Samnaungruppe (Foto: 10.01.2023)
Cornices forming on the ridgeline. Samnaun Massif (photo: 10.01.2023)

Highly variable: the weather

Galzig am Arlberg zählte zu einer der neuschneereichsten Stationen. Man erkennt neben dem markanten Schneehöhenanstieg vom 09.01. auf den 10.01. insbesondere auch das Auf und Ab bei den Temperaturen. Zudem gabs immer wieder etwas Niederschlag, teilweise als Regen auch bis zum Galzig hinauf.
Galzig on the Arlberg numbered among the stations with the most snowfall registered.  Besides the striking rise in snow depth on 9-10 January, the up-and-down temperatures are clearly visible. In addition there were repeated bouts of precipitation, sometimes as rain all the way up to the Galzig.

72h Schneehöhendifferenz zwischen 09.01. und 12.01.2023
72-hr snow depth change on 09.01 and 12.01.2023

Auf den Hohen Bergen wehte starker bis stürmischer Wind aus wechselnden Richtungen
In the high mountains, strong to storm-strength winds from varying directions were blowing.

Highly variable: the snowpack

The results of stability analysis: a snowpack of medium stability tended to dominate. But reports of settling noises and glide cracks, particularly at altitudes of 2000-2400 m, have become more frequent over the last few days. The weak layer was usually a thin, loose, generally faceted layer above or below thin surface-near melt-freeze crusts. Atop of that lay the fresh snow and snowdrifts of recent days. Elsewhere there were loose layers near ground level. These were found most of all in wind-protected bowls over widespread terrain, and were quite cohesive. Graupel was often discovered inside the layers of fresh snow and snowdrifts.

Schneedeckenuntersuchungen am Stubaier Gletscher. Das wechselhafte Wetter spiegelt sich in der Schneedecke wieder. Eine Abfolge von härteren und weicheren Schichten, von Wind- und Schmelzkrusten, immer wieder Schichten aus aufbauend umgewandelten Kristallen. (Foto: 11.02.2023)
Snowpack analysis on Stubai Glacier. Highly variable weather conditions are reflected in the snowpack: a sequence of hardened and softened layers, wind-crusts and melt-freeze crusts, and repeated layers of expansively metamorphosed crystals. (photo: 11.02.2023)

Profil im Bereich der Jöchelspitze in den Allgäuer Alpen: Man erkennt den kürzlichen Neuschnee, darunter eine Abfolge von Krusten, härteren und weicheren Schichten (Foto: 11.01.2023)
Profile near Löchelspitze in the Allgau Alps: the recent round of fresh snow is visible, beneath that a sequence of crusts, harder and softer layers. (photo: 11.01.2023)

Die Schneeoberfläche ist aktuell sehr unregelmäßig. Samnaungruppe (Foto: 10.01.2023)
The snowpack surface is wildly irregular. Samnaun Massif (photo: 10.01.2023)

Highly variable: avalanche activity

Over the course of this last week, a number of avalanches were observed: loose-snow, glide-snow and slab avalanches. All in all, there were not so very many. The loose-snow and glide-snow avalanches released mostly after the snowfall on 9-10 January when weather conditions improved and temperatures rose. Slab avalanches were mostly medium-sized. One interesting release was reported from the Saumspitze in the Arlberg region, where a large-sized slab avalanche triggered naturally in early afternoon on 6 January in shady high alpine terrain. On the previous day, lots of snowdrifts were deposited there as a result of the strong westerly winds. At the time of the avalanche the wind had slackened off significantly, but the temperature had risen.

Große spontane Schneebrettlawine unterhalb der Saumspitze (Foto: 06.01.2023)
Large-sized naturally triggered slab avalanche below the Saumspitze (photo: 06.01.2023)

In an avalanche release near the Stubai Wildspitze on 10 January, 5 persons were buried by a slab avalanche. Two persons were injured, one person suffered from hypothermia. The investigations of the Alpine Police showed that at the time of the accident 19 persons were in the zone of a large wind-hole digging snow-spots for protection. The slab avalanche triggered at a width of about 30 metres and a length of about 10 metres. Thanks to a swift rescue operation, the worst was avoided.

Schneebrettlawine Stubaier Wildspitze auf ca. 3150m. Die Kreise symbolisieren grob die Bereiche, wo die Schneeunterkünfte gegraben wurden. (Foto: 11.01.2023)
Slab avalanche Stubai Wildspitze at about 3150 m. The circles roughly depict the zones where the snow-spots were dug. (photo: 11.01.2023)

Our own on-site snowpack analysis produced an interesting picture: while the recent snowfall was being deposited, inside the masses of fresh snow and snowdrifts were repeated packages of graupel. We found up to 3 different layers of graupel on-site. With a high degree of probability, these layers of graupel were the likely cause of the avalanche. The bowl-like terrain favoured the deposit of thick graupel layers due to the sliding of these grains from extremely steep into flatter areas. The report of one observer on-site was also interesting. In the entire area there were 25 artificial triggerings through explosives but with very little success.

Bei diesem Profil am oberen Anriss der Lawine fanden wir 2 dünne Schichten, in denen Graupelkörner eingelagert waren. Darunter eine ebenso sehr dünne Schicht oberhalb einer sehr dünnen Schmelzkruste. (Profil vom 11.01.2023)
In this profile at the uppermost fracture point of the avalanche there were two thin layers in which graupel grains were deposited. Beneath them, also a very thin layer atop a very thin melt-freeze crust.
(profile from 11.01.2023)

Die kleine Ellipse im linken Bildbereich zeigt im Überblick die Unfallstelle (c) tiris
The tiny ellipse at left shows the point of the accident from an overview (c) tiris

Highly variable: that’s how it will continue...

Just the way this last week wrapped up, that’s the way the next week will unfold: highly variable.