Wednesday, 23 March 2022

Mostly favorable conditions, slight daytime cycle of avalanche danger

Following cycle of wet snow, mostly favorable conditions

Following a period of avalanche activity until and including Sunday, 20.03.2022, the avalanche situation has quieted down. Due to very dry air masses we are currently recording extremely good nocturnal outgoing longwave radiation of the snowpack, and also delayed softening of the surface during the daytime on very sunny slopes.

On extremely steep slopes, small loose-snow avalanches can still be triggered, particularly during the afternoon hours. Also isolated glide-snow slides and avalanches on steep grass-covered slopes are possible. For that reason, we advise avoiding all zones below glide cracks in the snowpack surface.

Heed risk of falls on hard-frozen snowpack

Currently the danger of taking a fall on the hard-frozen snowpack in the morning hours outweighs other risks. Melt-freeze climbing spikes and ice pick are serviceable tools to keep safe while en route.

Good backcountry tour preparation has its rewards: terrific firn snow on steep sunny slopes.

Traumhaftes Wetter und überwiegend günstige Verhältnisse laden zu Wintersportaktivitäten ein. Pitztal (Foto: 22.03.2022)
Grandiose weather and predominantly favorable conditions: an enticement to winter sports enthusiasts. Pitztal (photo: 22.03.2022)


Auf den Pisten findet man traumhafte Verhältnisse vor. Stubaier Gletscher. (Foto: 22.03.2022)
Conditions on the ski pistes are a dream come true. Stubai glacier. (photo: 22.03.2022)

Other things worth noting...

On the glaciers there is below-average snow. In spite of the highly wind-impacted snowpack in high alpine regions the risks of falling into a crevice should not be ignored.

Gletscherspalten und Seracbrüche als mögliche hochalpine Gefahren (Foto: 23.03.2022)
Glacier crevices and serac fractures are potential high alpine dangers. Weisskugel Massif
(photo: 23.03.2022)

High alpine regions: wind-impacted snowpack. Weisskugel Massif (photo: 23.03.2022)

Andere, mögliche Massenbewegungen... Weißkugelgruppe (Foto: 23.03.2022)
Other possible movements... Weisskugel Massif (photo: 23.03.2022)

An der oberen Geländekante erkennt man Wechten, die eine mögliche Bedrohung darstellen. Zudem typisch: Büßerschnee, eine filigrane Schneeoberflächenstruktur aufgrund der sehr trockenen Luftmasse und intensiven Sonneneinstrahlung. Venedigergruppe (Foto: 23.03.2022)
At the upper protruberance, cornices are visible which are a potential threat. Also typical: ragged, filigree surface structure due to very dry air masses and intense solar radiation. Venedig Massif
(photo: 23.03.2022)

Firnspiegel: Entsteht immer in Kombination mit intensiver Strahlung und (leichtem) Windeinfluss. Weißkugelgruppe (Foto: 22.03.2022)
Mirror, mirror, made of firn... The result of intense solar radiation and slight wind impact. Weisskugel Massif (photo: 22.03.2022)

Short review

As mentioned at the outset, we had a pronounced wet-snow cycle until Sunday, 20 March. One of the avalanches which released was special because a skiing route and a public ski piste were struck: two wet slab avalanches triggered independently of one another below the Zwölferkopf (Samnaun Massif) on 18.03.2022. Several persons were caught in the avalanche but could escape it without injuries. After an extensive rescue search operation it was determined in late evening that no other persons had been struck.

Einsatzkräfte auf der Lawine (c) Landeswarnzentrale Tirol
Rescue team at the Zwölferkopf avalanche  (c) Landeswarnzentrale Tirol

Lawinenabgänge vom 18.03.2022 unterhalb des Zwölferkopfes. Die Pfeile zeigen jeweils die Einfahrtsspuren. (Foto: 19.03.2022)
Avalanches on 18.03.2022 below the Zwölferkopf. Arrows point to the entry tracks. (photo: 19.03.2022)