Thursday 27 December 2018

Avalanche events of recent days

This blog entry is intended to provide a brief overview of the avalanche events of the last few days. For details, please consult here: most of these events occurred in the regions which are currently ranked with "considerable danger" (in addition in the Arlberg region).

In those regions in an altitude band between 2200 and 2700 m, there is an old snow problem in all aspects: in the middle section of the snowpack and near to the ground there are repeated layers of unbonded, faceted crystals, often in the vicinity of crusts. These loosely-packed crystals are the weak layer, on top of which is deposited a snowpack bearing formidable effects of wind from recent days. Snowdrifts, a weak layer and the additional weight of skiers and freeriders, and sometimes even the additional burden of solar radiation are the pre-requisites of the slab avalanches which were observed.

Avalanche accident Hohe Mut on 25.12. This was a very large slab avalanche. A snowboarder lost her life. A second person was able to escape to the orographic right. Fracture zone 2600 m, SW, parts 40°. Also visible is a second, remotely-triggered avalanche at the right upper edge of the photo. (photo: 26.12.2018)
Hohe Mut: view from the path of the avalanche towards Rotmoostal  (photo: 26.12.2018)

Hohe Mut: this snow profile was taken near the fracture of the avalanche. It reveals superficial snowdrifts and beneath that, a sequence of crusts and faceted crystals.  (photo: 26.12.2018)

Hohe Mut: place of burial (photo: 26.12.2018)

Some of the avalanches reported were remotely triggered:

Rastkogel: left of the avalanche, skiers escape the path. On the right, a slab avalanche triggers. (photo: 26.12.2018)

Avalanches on Zischgeles, presumably triggered by skiers and remotely triggered  (photo: 26.12.2018)

Avalanche Hoher Burgstall on 27.12: a backcountry skier was ascending when an avalanche triggered.  (photo: 27.12.2018)

Avalanche accident Weisser Knoten in the Grossglockner region. Four persons involved, no injuries.  (photo: 25.12.2018)

Glide-snow avalanches are a potential problem primarily where snowfall has been heavy, such as here in the Arlberg region.  (photo: 26.12.2018)

In southern East Tirol, in photo the Villgraten mountains, the snowdrifts are less deep than further north.  (photo: 25.12.2018)

In extremely steep terrain, a skier triggered this superficial avalanche today (27.12) below the Talsenhöhe in the Kitzbühel Alps, fresh snow, snowdrifts on top of a hardened rain crust. The person was apparently able to escape. (If the avalanche had been registered by calling tel. no. 140, we could have spared ourselves the expensive and arduous search party.)

Attentive observer on Pfuitjöchl. This avalanche is a moist unbonded-snow avalanche resulting from solar radiation and daytime warming.  (photo: 26.12.2018)


The old-snow problem will remain upright for a while. For that reason, we recommend all backcountry skiers and freeriders to avoid terrain which is very steep in the infamous zones.

Elsewhere, conditions are in general quite favourable. Only the snow quality leaves much to be desired.

As a consequence of the intensifying winds forecast by the ZAMG weather services for the weekend, however, increased attentiveness will be demanded by the fresh snow, particularly at higher altitudes.