Friday 29 November 2019

Mostly favourable conditions – isolated glide-snow avalanches in regions where snowfall was heaviest. Fresh snowdrifts, the west.

Mostly favourable conditions

Numerous examinations of the snowpack and reports from observers corroborate the assessment: the avalanche situation is improving to an increasing degree. The snowpack is stable over widespread areas. Weak layers are found only in isolated cases, and then, they are near to the surface at very high altitudes in the immediate vicinity of ridgelines.

Typical snow profile in the regions where snowfall was heaviest: stable layering. Stubai Alps, 28.11.2019

Avalanche danger in Tirol corresponds to this: in some places still moderate danger in the southern regions or else low avalanche danger prevails.

Main danger: isolated glide-snow avalanches

What still requires the greatest caution are glide-snow avalanches, although they are being observed only seldom. We are also getting reports from our observers in East Tirol that glide-snow avalanches have ‘nearly halted.’ Nevertheless, we still advise avoiding all spots below glide cracks in the snowpack. The moment when glide-snow avalanches release is impossible to predict.

Impressive snow shapes generated by gliding snow. (photo: 25.11.2019)

Gliding snow waiting to unleash. Defereggental (photo: 22.11.2019)

Terrific launch of winter in the southern regions

Pictures, as we know, are worth more than 1000 words. There follow a few impressions of the current situation:

Awesome powder snow on the descent from Schöntalspitze in the Stubai Alps. (photo: 21.11.2019)

The joys of a Tux Alps descent in early winter. (photo: 21.11.2019)

Alone on the path to the Grossvenediger. (photo: 25.11.2019)


The forecasts of the ZAMG Weather Service predict no significant changes in the avalanche situation.

Appendix to 29:11: Latest analysis by ZAMG Weather Service shows that in the furthermost western regions a cold front will bring as much as 50 cm of fresh snow from place to place (in general about 20 cm). In the regions where snowfall is heaviest, increased heed of freshly generated snowdrift accumulations in very steep terrain is required.

The snow is settling to an increasing degree, the snowpack is stabilising. Repeated bouts of precipitation, wind in some places. The coming days promise similar weather.

Message of the moment: enjoy the snow masses in the south!