Friday 19 March 2021

Cumulus clouds + solar radiation reinforce rapid moistening of snowpack surface. Caution: more frequent loose-snow avalanches

 Supplement to yesterday’s blog:


Caution: loose-snow avalanches

In far-reaching parts of Tirol, cumulus cloud build-up is being observed in the mountains. The effect of diffuse solar radiation is thereby enhanced, the snowpack surface swiftly becomes moistened on the surface, despite the unseasonably low temperatures. This reinforces the likelihood of loose-snow avalanches triggering in extremely steep terrain.

Particularly in the regions of Tirol where snowfall has been heavy, a measurable danger could arise for winter sports enthusiasts from this development.

In early morning, cloudless skies, then (just before 9:00 am) cumulus clouds begin to form. The danger of loose-snow avalanches then rapidly increases. Mieming Massif (photo: 19.03.2021)